
featuring Batubagen

Having immigrated to the Land of the Free, Batubagen all-too-quickly realizes the cost of freedom. While this new reality takes away his aureole and identity as a celebrated master of Khoomei throat singing, he finds his own way of rebuilding his self-worth in his chosen society.

Director’s Statement

When I met Batubagen in 2019, I was immediately attracted by his tenacity and his ease in traveling from one world to the next – letting life take its course. What was his secret? My camera was drawn to him. If you’re not an immigrant, this process may be hard to fathom, yet we all are constantly changing.  From the womb into this world, from city to city, job to job we are changing. Some let it happen, others make it happen. What does it mean to move from one culture to another? While Go with the Flow shows only a fraction of one person’s experience, I’m exploring the drive and human spirit within each unique journey to find our place in this world.

Go with the Flow was selected for the Market Event at 29th Palm Spring International ShortFest.



North East (东 北) - 2023 Photography

Never Lonely (独 处) - 2022 Experimental Short Film Project

Kingdom of Island (岛 国) - 2021 Photography

The Actress (女 伶) - 2019 Vogue Short Film Project

Addiction II (瘾 贰) - 2017 Short Film Project

Addiction (瘾) - 2015 Short Film Project